


Don't risk your job, freedom and future. Here’s Help!

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If you’re reading this, you may be facing one of the most stressful and frightening situations of your life: dealing with a criminal charge in State or Federal Court.

It’s understandable that you’re feeling overwhelmed but know that you don’t have to face this alone.

You need a skilled and experienced attorney to fight for your rights and defend your freedom.

If you’re reading this, you may be facing one of the most stressful and frightening situations of your life: dealing with a criminal charge in State or Federal Court. It’s understandable that you’re feeling overwhelmed but know that you don’t have to face this alone.

You need a skilled and experienced attorney to fight for your rights and defend your freedom.

I’m Albert Quirantes, Esq. and I’m the attorney you need in your corner. I’ve been providing exceptional legal representation to clients facing criminal charges in Miami and surrounding areas for over 35+ years.

I have an impressive track record of successfully defending my clients against a wide range of charges, including drug crimes, shoplifting, theft, robbery, fraud, assault, battery, sex crimes, domestic violence, homicides, DUI and more. I understand that each case is unique and requires a personalized approach and I take the time to listen to your concerns and develop a customized strategy to fight and win the best result in your case.

How I Can Help You...

My team of experienced attorneys at Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of legal representation. We’re passionate about defending your rights and freedoms and have a deep understanding of the legal system.

Albert Quirantes Esq.

How I Can Help You...

Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case, keeping you out of jail and clean up your arrest and court records.

I’ll will use every legal tool at my disposal to achieve these goals for you, which are: filing motions to get illegally obtained evidence and statements excluded, charges dismissed or dropped, negotiating a plea deal or fighting your case at trial.

With my firm at your side, you can rest assured that you have a dedicated advocate who will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and defend your freedom.

I have a reputation for being aggressive, yet compassionate, and always put my clients’ best interests first. My team of attorneys and legal professionals and I are available now to provide you with the support and guidance you need throughout your case.

My team of experienced attorneys at Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of legal representation. We’re passionate about defending your rights and freedoms and have a deep understanding of the legal system.

Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case, keeping you out of jail and clean up your arrest and court records.

I’ll will use every legal tool at my disposal to achieve these goals for you, which are: filing motions to get illegally obtained evidence and statements excluded, charges dismissed or dropped, negotiating a plea deal or fighting your case at trial.

With my firm at your side, you can rest assured that you have a dedicated advocate who will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and defend your freedom.

I have a reputation for being aggressive, yet compassionate, and always put my clients’ best interests first. My team of attorneys and legal professionals and I are available now to provide you with the support and guidance you need throughout your case.

How I Can Help You...

My team of experienced attorneys at Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers are dedicated to providing you with the highest level of legal representation. We’re passionate about defending your rights and freedoms and have a deep understanding of the legal system.

Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome in your case, keeping you out of jail and clean up your arrest and court records.

Albert Quirantes Esq.

I’ll will use every legal tool at my disposal to achieve these goals for you, which are: filing motions to get illegally obtained evidence and statements excluded, charges dismissed or dropped, negotiating a plea deal or fighting your case at trial.

With my firm at your side, you can rest assured that you have a dedicated advocate who will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and defend your freedom.

I have a reputation for being aggressive, yet compassionate, and always put my clients’ best interests first. My team of attorneys and legal professionals and I are available now to provide you with the support and guidance you need throughout your case.

Don’t let a criminal charge ruin your life. Contact Albert Quirantes, Esq. today to schedule a consultation and get the legal representation you need to protect your future.

You can trust our team to provide you with the personalized and aggressive defense you need to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.

Click here now to call or schedule a Free Strategy Session in person or online.

While a simple consultation with an attorney can provide valuable information about the legal process, a “FREE STRATEGY SESSION” with Albert Quirantes, Esq. and his legal team offers a more comprehensive and personalized approach.

During a defense strategy session, clients have the opportunity to discuss their cases in detail and receive tailored advice on how to proceed. The legal team can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the case, evaluate potential outcomes, and develop a customized strategy to achieve the best possible result for the client.

This level of individualized attention and guidance can help clients feel more informed and empowered as they navigate the legal system.

Additionally, a defense strategy session can provide valuable insights into the legal team’s experience, expertise, and track record, which can help clients make informed decisions about their representation.

Overall, a defense strategy session offers significantly more value than a simple consultation, as it provides clients with a personalized, strategic approach to their legal issues and the best thing about it is that after 35+ years and 8000+ clients defended, the first one’s still FREE.

Miami Criminal Defense Attorney - Albert Quirantes- 305-644-1800 State & Federal Trial Lawyer

Underage Relationships: The One Place To Ask For An ID!

What To Do If My Child Is Arrested- Miami Juvenile Law Attorney- Albert Quirantes- Call 305-644-1800

Accused of a crime? Arrested in Miami? What to Do First • Albert Quirantes Criminal Defense Attorney

If I am charged with soliciting a prostitute, how long will it stay on my record? Albert Quirantes

Drugs were found in my car but they are not mine - Criminal Defense Albert Quirantes

Arrested for a Crime in Miami? See Criminal Defense Attorney Albert Quirantes • Call 305-644-1800

At “Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers”, our primary objective is to achieve the best possible outcome for your criminal case.

We work tirelessly to get your case dismissed or reduced. Our team of experienced criminal defense attorneys utilizes their expertise and knowledge of the law to develop a comprehensive defense strategy that is tailored to your specific case.

Whether it involves negotiating with the prosecution, conducting a thorough investigation, or challenging the evidence against you, we will explore every legal avenue to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the best possible outcome for your case.

Our ultimate goal is to help you move forward with your life with minimal disruption, and we are committed to achieving this objective through diligent and effective representation.

Client Success Stories

Arrested Unjustly BIG CASE DISMISSED By Miami Criminal Defense Attorney Albert Quirantes

Obstruction of a Police Officer in Florida • Miami Criminal Defense Attorney Albert Quirantes Wins

I'm Going Home, HOME! Not to Jail, My Warrant is Gone! Albert Quirantes - Criminal Defense

Fought and Won Unfair Criminal case in Fort Lauderdale County Court with attorney Albert Quirantes

Defending Star Trek's "The Q" in Court, with Miami Criminal Defense Lawyer Albert Quirantes

Miami Criminal Defense Client Brags About His Miami Criminal Lawyer Albert Quirantes


If you’ve been arrested or charged with DUI, BUI, Vehicular Homicide or Reckless Driving, I understand the fear and uncertainty you may be feeling. That’s why I, Albert Quirantes, founded the law offices of “Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers”, to help you get your case dismissed or reduced, keep you out of jail or reduce your exposure, get your driver’s license back, help keep insurance rates down and protect your freedom.

With over 35 years of legal experience and more than 8,000 clients successfully defended, I have dedicated my career to defending individuals facing DUI (Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs) & BUI (Boating Under the Influence of alcohol or drugs) cases.

I assembled a team of knowledgeable and experienced criminal defense attorneys, former prosecutors and public defenders, who have a proven track record of success in a wide range of criminal cases, including DUI, BUI, DWI, Accidents, Serious Bodily Injuries, Manslaughter, Vehicular Homicide, Reckless Driving and more.

We understand the seriousness of your situation and will work tirelessly to defend your rights and freedom.

We take pride in providing personalized attention to each client and ensuring that you fully understand the legal process and your options. That’s why we offer you a FREE defense strategy session to discuss your case and provide guidance on the best course of action. Take advantage of it now.

Our clients have praised us for our professionalism, expertise, and dedication to achieving the best possible outcome for their cases.

We are committed to keeping you informed and providing regular updates on the progress of your case.

Our flat fees are reasonable and based on the complexity of each case. We offer payment plans to fit almost every budget.

If you’re looking for a reputable law firm to represent you in a DUI or traffic case in Miami, the law offices of “Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers” is your best choice.

With our experience, knowledge, and commitment to our clients, we can provide you with the legal representation you need to achieve a positive outcome. Don’t wait, contact us today by clicking here.

More Satisfied Clients Directly From Google...

Raul De Armas


I contacted this office to discuss the possibility of changing my current attorney and hiring Mr Quirantes.
I was more than surprised that he took the time to pull up my case and discuss what my options were. This is in my opinion a straight forward honest professional who genuinely cares about his clients.
He didn’t have to provide the detailed information that he did and advised me of the best option which was to keep my current council.
He did not even push for me to switch my current attorney but advised me that I was in good hands and that says a lot about his integrity.
If ever I need a capable lawyer I will use him in the future. I would recommend for anyone to do the same

James Dawson


Mr. Quirantes and his team were great to work with! He was able to get my situation resolved with the bare minimum charges and knowing what I was originally looking at, I thought there was no way that could happen. There were times that I was overwhelmed with worry but he did a great job of letting me know to “stay calm and let his team do all the heaving lifting.” In the end, his team did as he promised and I couldn’t be more happier with the lawyer I hired to represent me.
If you ever get your self into a situation where you believe nothing can be done about it, give Albert Quirantes a call and give him a chance to help you like he helped me.
Shout out to Angela too. She was a pleasure to work with and was always prompt in her responses back to me and providing everything I needed to get my case closed.
A great lawyer with a great team! Highly recommended!

JM Sarmiento


Exceptional attorney!I want to extend my gratitude to Mr. Quirantes and his entire office for assisting me with my case. From my first consultation, Albert and his staff were professional, kind, and efficient. He took the time to answer all of my questions and thoroughly explain the next steps and the process. I never had to set foot in a courtroom and he got my case dismissed.His practice has very reasonable fees with outstanding results! Mr. Quirantes made sure to be in constant communication throughout the process and would keep me informed of what was happening at all times. I strongly recommend his services and I am grateful to have found him.Thank you, Albert! You rock!

Oliver Reyes


I was so scared. I was arrested almost 5 years ago. That’s how long this odyssey has taken. I was scared, on my last nerves, and with lots of anxiety about my future facing a felony DUI with bodily injury. I remember looking at reviews, and reading reddit about what will happen, and what to expect. Then I found Alberto Quirantes’ website on Google. I can say this out of the choices in these past 5 years, choosing Alberto Quirantes and his amazing team was the best I have ever made, perhaps even in my whole life. That’s because they saved my life. I was looking at 9 years based on the circumstances. From the beginning they gave me confidence and promised they would fight tooth and nail to get the best outcome. These guys are experts, and the team has amazing members that always cater to you and are always ready to help. I remember reading all those reviews and what ifs 5 years ago, and I am now one of them finally writing this review. With a large weight off of my shoulders and breathing way deeper breaths. The purgatory that has been my life these past 5 years was hard. But today I am a free man. No jail time and from multiple felonies and fees and punishments, down to 1 misdemeanor and only 6 months probation. 9 years to 6 months of no jail. These guys are the best definitely if you’re scared and reading this wondering, stop wondering and searching this is THE team!

AJ Moore


Awesome Service! I was so used to lawyers just taking my money and not caring about the outcome. I gave Mr. Quirantes an attitude from the start! He was so calm and reassuring. He totally made me put my guard down with his easy going demeanor and professional confidence. I was tense about having to deal with a situation out of state but he put me right at ease. I want to thank him being so patient and professional. I would recommend him to anyone that needs his service. He’s definitely one of a kind!

Ulises Almanza


Tô whom it may concern,
I have had a very pleasurable experience working with Mr Quirantes as my Lawyer. He has been really knowledgeable on my case and always available for me.

One of my most pleasurable experience is that he is always been available and ready to listen and always has a game plan when referring to my case. I feel very confident and comfortable recommending him as a lawyer to my friends and family.

Most importantly is that ever since I met him he’s always taken a personal responsibility in handling my case
I recommend Mr Quirantes to al your legal needs

Rick Amador


Just wanted to leave this review.
From the moment I walked into the office I was greeted with a warm response and understanding of a difficult situation and bad decision I had made. Every single person at this firm is amazing. Willing to listen, to reach back in a timely manner and always trying to make you feel like you are not a bad individual for making a mistake. We are all human and this firm makes you feel like one, not just a numbered case. I highly recommend them for whatever situation you are going through. I’m extremely happy with my outcome. Look to them first before anyone else.

Danii M


I was referred by my friend who needed a criminal defense lawyer and used Albert Quirantes. He was very happy with this lawyer so I thought I’d see him first. I got an appointment immediately and Mr. Quirantes saw me himself with Mr. Gonzalez. I found him to be very nice, accommodating and smart. He is also very reasonable and understanding. He’s a fighter. He took on my case and helped me out of a big problem. I highly recommend this law office, the people are very nice and the lawyers are great.

Cindy G


Gracias al abogado Quirantes mi caso fue cerrado, el cual fue un caso dificil, fui encontrada
no culpable. El lucho por mi desde el principio hasta lograr su objetivo!!!
Creeme si necesitas un abogado que luche por ti hasta el final como si el caso fuera suyo Albert
quirantes es quien necesitas .5 estrellas no son suficientes para su calidad de trabajo y esfuerzo.
Gracias infinitas!!!



I had a great experience with my attorney Albert Quirantes. I had false criminal accusations against me in felony court and money was taken from me by the police department. My lawyer fought hard and got my Felonies dismissed completely. Then he fought hard to get me my property and money back. They argued against him and he won every penny back in a court order. He fights hard. Highly recommended lawyer!

Alice Llaurado


I know of many people that have hired this firm and have come out favorable with this best possible outcome. This firm will absolutely do what they say and not steal your money. Everyone I know that has encountered this firm was grateful they did. They have in depth knowledge of the law and always find the most strategic techniques to fix everyone problem big or small that you might be facing. They treat you as family not another client. If anyone is ever in jam, should definitely contact them.
Alberto Quirantes and team are the most loyal and honest firm I have heard from everyone that has hired them. They are extremely loyal and will fight for your rights until the very end no matter how long it takes. They will listen to your needs and built the most strategic way to get you out of any and all problems. I am speaking on a personal level. This firm has changed many lives for only the better despite when things seemed so dark @ one point. If you hire this firm it will be the best decision you make in your most troubling times!!!

CN Lavish


Prior to me finding Mr. Quirantes office I reached out to several other lawyers in the Miami metropolitan area. I am not sure if the lawyers I connected with first were confused about my need for legal representation or thought my situation was something they did not feel like dealing with. Through a google search, I came across Mr. Quairantes office and after an informative conversation, I knew Mr. Quirantes office would be perfect to handle my situation. During the consultation, Mr. Quirantes was straightforward and ensured me that he can help by directly answering my questions without jargon. I know enough about the law to be able to hold a non-fast-talking conversation with a lawyer and Mr. Quirantes was not a fast talker and fully explained the potential outcomes of my situation in a way that I could understand. 

Mr. Quirantes team was professional, efficient, and timely with their services. Communication was consistent and impeccable and I have dealt with many lawyers with horrible communication. The cost was affordable and Mr. Quiarantes was flexible with his payment option because my situation required a little more expertise than most. If you are considering a legal team I highly recommend Mr. Quairantes and his team. The legal team started working on my case immediately and delivered results within 2 days. Now you talk about working magic…!!

William Blandon


I thought because this lawyer was so famous and we’ll known, he would be very expensive. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Despite Mr. Quirantes fame on network news and social media and the quality of his work, which I researched before going there, his fees were surprisingly affordable. That just goes to show, that quality does not have to be expensive when you get the right lawyer. I hired Mr. QUIRANTES for a complicated legal matter which he was able to win for me in short shrift. He is very personable and accesible. God led me to his office because I found out he is also a believer who prays over his clients and their files. His office staff is cheerful and accommodating and I was kept informed throughout my entire legal process. I am very appreciative of having met this lawyer who I now consider my friend. I highly recommend him and his team!

Jairo Reyes


I was facing serious criminal charges, I was very worried about everything considering I had 4 charges, three of them were dismissed through the hard work and detail towards my case, I’m more than happy with the outcome as I get to continue with my freedom and normal activities which may not have been possible if I would have gone with another firm. I am a repeat client of Mr. Quirantes. He has also successfully represented my friends. He’s been around for many years and is a trustworthy attorney. The attention at the firm was stupendous, great customer service. Here’s a shout out to Angie and Mr. Jorge Alonso, a great attorney in his own right. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I will never have to be back but if ever need a lawyer again you will be it. Thank you once again.



I am to Mr. Quirantes and his team. They truly went above and beyond to ensure that I received the best possible outcome in my case. Their professionalism, expertise, and compassion made a difficult situation much more manageable for me.

If you are facing criminal charges and need legal representation, I highly recommend the Law Offices of Albert Quirantes. From start to finish, they provided top-notch service and support, and I could not have asked for a better outcome in my case.

Thank you, Mr. Quirantes, for all that you did for me ? you truly are an outstanding attorney who cares deeply about his clients? well-being.

Kevin Zhou


I am soooo happy to hire Mr. Quirantes to present me for a Reckless driving citation case. The reckless driving citation will post a crime record on me if guilty. Mr. Quirantes is very experienced and smart. He did a great job at the court and successfully get me away from the Reckless drivimg charge. Great job !! I would recommend Mr. Quirantes to anyone who is seeking a crime defendence.

Anthony DeToma


If you are in Florida and need representation for any legal matter this is the firm for you.

With a phenomenal team of attorneys as well as office personnel they will ensure the best possible outcome for you and your situation.
And no matter is too big or small for them. They treat every case with the same professionalism, courtesy, and respect.
Thank you!!



Not only a Lawyer a Great Person by your Side.
Albert Quirantes is a great Criminal / DUI lawyer , has alot of knowledge, and understands the legal
system very well. What he tells you is what it is, Over 30 year practicing law. I strongly recommend
Mr.Quirantes not only will he Win but he will guide you, and make sure you understand your rights.
Miami’s Best Lawyer. After Representing me multiple times in different Traffic Ticket cases I can
recommend Mr.Quirantes, he is also kind and gentle.Mr.Quirantes is an aggressive Trail lawyer
that will 9/10 win don’t think twice if you’re looking for great results, if you are confuse in picking
the right Legal defense lawyer. This is not advertising these are facts Choose Albert Quirantes, his
representation is worth every dollar. Thank you Mr.Quirantes.

Nina Kostadinov


My 10/10 experience:
I had great reservations prior to engaging any law office, partially due to the complexity of the legal landscape and challenges that any client might have dealing with one.
My experience with the law office of Albert Quirantes had seriously exceeded all my expectations, and taught me the importance of having the right legal team represent me.
The attention to detail, willingness to listen, and continuous follow ups have really put me at ease and reassured me that my case will be handled by true professionals and experts in the field.
I can confidently recommend the Law offices of Albert Quirantes and his team to anyone seeking legal representation by someone you can really trust.

I’m Very Happy With the Way I Was Treated by My Lawyer Albert Quirantes and the GREAT RESULTS!

“I really do appreciate the help in all my legal matters that I have gotten from Albert Quirantes and all of their staff, they are wonderful. You really know that they are working from the heart and that they know what they are doing. Thank you! Albert Quirantes is more than just a lawyer, he’s a friend!

Thank you 🙂”


Albert Q: “We’re here in Miami Dade Circuit Court in criminal court, where we just had a big victory!!! 

Client: First another attorney took my case, and they were asking for five years! Albert Quirantes took my case and here I am a free man! ZERO!! It’s like magic. There are miracles, and I’m here with my mother. He is really an amazing person! If you have a problem in criminal court, federal or state, you should call Albert Quirantes! I highly recommend him. He is more than a lawyer, he’s a friend.”

Joaquin Pajon


Victory in Miami Dade County Circuit Criminal Court • Client Released • Attorney Quirantes

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© 2023 “Albert Quirantes, Esq. Criminal DUI & Ticket Lawyers”, a law firm, 1815 N.W. 7th Street, Miami, FL 33125